
Tuesday, 3 July 2012

No Craftenergy!

My family has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. Health issues, work issues, teething baby issues...nothing too serious, but lots of minimally and moderately concerning things can add up to 'a bit of a rough patch'. 

During this time, I have not really felt like making any of my usual crafts. Instead, I have been enjoying playing with watercolours again. Making bright and colourful scriptural reminders to go up around my house, particularly in the kitchen since I seem to spend so much time in there. I find the process very therapeutic, and the end result encourages me on a daily basis. Win, win, right?

The only thing that loses out is my Etsy shop, not getting many new listings lately!


  1. I hear you! Life has been very busy for me lately and I've not been able to create much lately either. I hope we both get some creative juice flowing again soo! Until then, enjoy the painting your artwork is beautiful and I LOVE that scripture til! So positive!

  2. Thanks Carla! You are such an encourager :)

  3. I've always been terrible with watercolours but you seem to have the knack. Hope the family issues settle swiftly.Lynda


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