
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Op-shop Haul

Okay. So this was a while ago. Maybe two months ago, I walked into the local op-shop on a quick trip out by myself, and as usual, I went straight to the craft and sewing supplies section. The pickings are usually fairly slim, but it's always worth a look, I tell myself. I had to work hard at keeping my cool, because I found the box of sewing patterns was filled to overflowing with exactly what I am always looking for and rarely find - amazing vintage patterns for kids and for me, from the 50s through to the 70s. I think they were all from one particular donor, who dropped them off all at once, and they were put out all at once, and I actually happened to make it there at the right time to snap them all up (thanks, God!). I bought TWENTY-ONE of them. Mmmhmm.

Seriously. I was so excited about these. I still am, I just have not even begun to find time to actually SEW any of them. But thanks to Cass from Cass Can Sew, I was reminded of the great haul when I read her blog post today.

To be honest, I have not had the guts to go through each pattern yet and see which pieces are still in tact. However, I love the gorgeous illustrations on the covers, even if the patterns are not there! Unfortunately, some of the covers are not in the best condition. But still, they make me gasp with their gorgeousness. 

There are too many to have all as separate pics, so here is a collage of them: 

 And close-ups of just five of my favourites:

What great finds have you scored at op-shops lately? I would love to hear about them!


  1. Oooh! Awesome find! Soooo hard to choose a favorite! Thanks for the mention and link

  2. Replies
    1. Aren't they just? Now I need to find time to do some sewing!!

  3. Wow wee. You've gotta be happy with that. So many wonderful patterns :-)

    1. *very happy* I'm not sure which one to sew first!

  4. They are all so beautiful! Sew the girls dress that buttons up at the back first, it is really sweet!

    1. I just might start with that one. Thanks for the suggestion! It looks fairly simple, too, which is great for a time-starved Mummy like me. :)

  5. great find!! i use these illustrations in my collage cards - Ive got 5 large counter pattern books from the 50s and 60s - the images and clothes are wonderful! i love thrift shopping i always head to paper ephemera, woven ribbons and vintage mags...its been a while though since Ive been busy decluttering and changing the house around!

    1. Aaah, decluttering can definitely be a deterrent to op-shopping! I always go with the intention of just having a look, but you never know what you are going to find, and sometimes the goods are just too hard to resist!

  6. I love the illustrations on the covers of vintage sewing patterns !

    1. Thanks for visiting, I saw your post on children's vintage sewing patterns yesterday - so cute! And yes, the illustrations are just delightful :)


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