
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Child's Artwork Embroidery

A couple weeks ago, I got a custom order request from someone in the US, wanting 2 of her daughter's drawings embroidered and posted in time for Mother's Day. I was rather excited to have my first international order, and wanted to do it even though it would be a bit of squeeze, time-wise. Thankfully, all the custom orders I have waiting to make are very understanding friends who have said 'whenever'. I am working on timelines with each of those, and have given myself finish dates, and I thought I could pull this off...

The drawings/embroidery artworks ended up being a bit more time-consuming than I anticipated, but I had a lot of fun with them.

Photo of original drawing

My finished embroidery artwork

Photo of original drawing
My finished embroidery artwork

These are so super dooper fun. I really enjoy them!!! [If you want me to do a custom order for you for Father's Day or a birthday, just email me at, or visit my Etsy store and request through there. Thanks!]


  1. Nice one! They will be very pleased- you have been totally true to the child's work. Did you do that by hand or machine? Lynda

    1. Thanks, Lynda. All embroidery done by hand :)

  2. these are so good Candy! Such a great idea too. I wish I'd thought of it! :P

  3. BTW, I'm Coralie/Adoralie. I found you via the DUST team forum. :-)

    1. Hi Coralie, I saw your intro over on DUST, thanks for checking out my blog :)


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