
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Quiet Book - Part X

I know, I have been a bit lazy about the Quiet Book lately. I am so close, but just not quite there.

 Well, today I finally finished off the last page - it is not the final page position-wise, but the final page to create. I've actually had it ready for a while, minus the washcloth and toothbrush.

I have ordered the pages and clipped them together with bulldog clips - so exciting!! Eliza and I read the book after her nap today, and she loves it so much. I am pleased! 

Now I just need to bind the pages together and create the cover, and put it all together...I wonder how long all that will take me?


  1. I absolutely love love love this quiet book it is adorable and so very creative. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us. I would love to design a quiet book for my grand daughter xo Patty

    1. Thanks, Patty! So glad you enjoyed my Quiet Book snippets. Good luck with your Quiet Book project!

  2. Love this book! Great teaching tool and good for practicing fine motor skills. I'm going to get to work on one now for my daughter's second birthday (in Nov). Thanks for the idea!


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