
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Golden Hour

Ah, the golden hour. Both kids asleep AT THE SAME TIME!! I should probably be eating. Or sleeping. Or showering. Or doing housework. But instead I am buzzing with ideas for a new range of brooches and necklaces. I have been doing concept sketches and simply cannot wait to get started on the making...BUT...

I have several other projects on the go already!! I have not yet finished my daughter's Quiet Book, even though I am slowly chipping away at it, and I have begun a project for my sister, as well as several items of clothing that are in the 'cut and ready to sew' or even 'partially sewn' phase. These are all things that I genuinely intend to finish. And I have not lost momentum, I have just got inspiration for other projects as well. What to do?

I want to keep craft as a way to relax and have fun, and not let it take over my life (which it seems to be trying to do!) How do you juggle craft projects? And how do you juggle craft with other (arguably) more important things such as ingesting food and keeping the house clean? 

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