
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Home Again, Home Again...

I've been procrastinating writing this post because it brings up uncomfortable emotions. In fact, it makes me want to stop what I'm typing and run and grab the Tim Tams or corn chips and salsa ( can you tell I'm still struggling with cravings on this healthy living journey?) *sigh* 

But I do want to follow through and process this. Now, I know that taking calculated risks is important in business. I have been working on this, stepping out of my comfort zone in order to grow my little business. Sometimes it pays off financially, sometimes it crashes and burns. Ouch. I'm still feeling the sting of the most recent "crash and burn" scenario. 

As with many things in life, the higher the expectations, the harder the fall. I signed up to do the new high end BrisStyle City Hall market (even though it cost me much more than I could really afford for the stall fee), thinking it could be a really good fit for my products. I was so excited leading up to this market, and threw myself into preparations, including a revamped display. Our whole family came down with a truly horrendous gastro virus the week before the market, and that hindered my preparation more than a little. However, I was feeling well enough to face the market and follow through on my commitment.

The revamped set-up in situ
The vibe on the day was lovely - so many people coming through, and I thoroughly enjoyed stitching and chatting to many lovely people. There was significant enthusiasm about my products expressed rather consistently across the day. I saw many familiar faces and plenty of new ones too. But as I packed up my stall, my heart was dragging along the floor. NOT. A. SINGLE. SALE. Not one.

A bright note to the end of my day, however, was this adorable miniature resin vase from Bravo Juliet Designs, who was my stall neighbour on the day. I'm going to put it on my birthday cake next weekend, and it goes beautifully with my birthday party colour scheme. Plus, I'm always on the look-out for a tiny, unbreakable vase for my darling flower-picking girl.

So now I am left pondering the next step for my business, and have been feeling quite at odds about it all. I've even taken a four-day hiatus from making anything as I reflect and mull over this.

But something up-beat to finish on - if you have not heard yet, I am sponsoring a giveaway over on Hej Juni blog, you could win your choice of blue or rainbow raindrops contented raincloud - which can be worn as either a brooch or a pendant! Head over to Hej Juni to find out how.


  1. Oh Candy, I feel for you as I have been there and it's awful! Try not to be too disheartened. I limit my stall fees to around $50, because I don't have to sell a lot of things to cover that cost. I have tried a couple that were more than that and haven't done very well at all, but when I only pay $15/$20 for a stall I usually do really well! Depends on the people coming too. I've done markets where people turn their noses up at my stuff, but other where they can't buy enough! Your things are gorgeous - keep going! (PS. I'm 1/2 way through my 6 months without chocolate bars/blocks and am very impressed with my efforts - thank you for inspiring me to do it!)

    1. Thanks Kathryn - it's so nice to know I'm not alone! Yes, finding the right market that is a good fit for customers and products can be tricky, and disheartening along the way, but it's all a journey! And hey, congrats on your chocolate-free time, I know it is so rewarding in more ways than you expect, and I'm cheering you on! xo

  2. Sorry to hear your market didn't go to plan Candy. I think you are really gutsy for giving it a go though and who knows it could have just been one of those days-the next time could be completely different. I hope you are not too disheartened though. I look at what you make in awe, from your new jewellery to your beautiful bespoke children's embroidery. Have faith in yourself! Lynda

    1. Thank you sweet Lynda for your kind words! I am disheartened, but I will push through it and come out the other side. Thank you so much for encouraging me with your comment, I really appreciate it! xo

  3. Candy, I made only one sale at my first city hall market, and that was a bit of a default, and I've had a no-sale day in the past so I do know that horrible feeling. You know that I love your work so don't be disheartened. I find sometimes people just don't get what I do, and it may be the case with you too. Often I just have to wait until my sort of people (the discerning ones!) find me. Good luck for next endeavours whatever you determine on. xx

    1. Steph, thanks so much for the encouragement!! And you are right, it's about finding the right customers who are crazy about our stuff! Or rather, about them finding us. Thanks again, you are lovely. xo

  4. so cute the ear rings!!! so adorable!


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